Swedish Institute Scholarship SISGP 2022 SI Scholarship

Swedish Institute Scholarship SI Scholarship

Currently, Swedish institute Scholarship are open now for all international students to pursue their Master’s degrees. SISGP Scholarship is the golden best opportunity for those who are want to study in Sweden with a full free scholarship. If you are interested in SI Scholarship then, don’t waste your time. You should apply soon as possible. Also, prepare your document according to the requirement of the Swedish institute scholarship in Sweden. SISGP Scholarship for Global Professional objective to develop the worldwide leaders future that contributes to the United Nations 2030 Agenda for sustainable development. It is also, contributes the positive and sustainable development in their home countries and their region. Almost, the Swedish Institute Scholarship will grant 350 for master students who can pursue their degree in Sweden.

SI Scholarship program is a fully-funded program in which they support everything during all study periods in Sweden. SISGP Scholarship offers to all applicants to provide unique opportunities that develop both professionally and as well as academically. Also, include the experience in Swedish society and its culture to build a long-lasting relationship with Sweden and all other scholarship.

Swedish Institute Scholarship looking for excellent professionals who want to make difference by working. Also, issues that contribute to only and maintainable development in their home country and their region. Students should have a clear idea of how to study programs in Sweden that benefits their home country. It will priority to prove to applicants with a strong and relevant professional background and demonstrate leadership.

Country of citizenship

The List of the Countries is mentioned who are eligible for The Swedish Institute Scholarship. You can also, check your country name in the list and also, apply for SI Scholarship if you are country is mentioned in the list.

Armenia, Azerbaijan, Pakistan, Peru, Philippines, Russian Federation, Rwanda, South Africa Bangladesh, Bolivia, Belarus, Brazil, Cambodia, Cameroon, Colombia, Jordan, Kenya, Liberia, Malawi, Moldova, Morocco, Myanmar (Burma), Nepal, Nigeria, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Tanzania, Tunisia, Uganda, Ukraine, Vietnam, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Ecuador, Egypt, Ethiopia, Gambia, Georgia, Ghana, Guatemala, Honduras, and also, Indonesia.

Dual citizenship

If the applicants have dual citizenship then, they are eligible for the Swedish Institute Scholarship in Sweden. The applicants can select only one of the citizenship when they submit their application for SI Scholarship. Students who submit their application to more than one SISGP Scholarship then, both applications are rejected.

Work experience

The applicants who are eligible for the SI Scholarship for Global Professional then must have a minimum of 3,000 hours of work experience prior to 10 February 2022 from a maximum of the three companies or organizations. Swedish institute Scholarship is a valid work experience for Global Professional that includes both full-time and as well as a part-time employment. If the applicants do not already require the amount of experience in their application that will be rejected. So, SI Scholarship is not required at the time of the application.

The applicants will be prior to applicants with their strong professional background.

For applicants who belong to Bangladesh, Gambia, Ghana, Guatemala, Honduras, Indonesia, Jordan, Kenya, Liberia, Malawi, Morocco, Myanmar (Burma), Nepal, Nigeria, Pakistan, Bolivia, Brazil, Cambodia, Cameroon, Colombia, Ecuador, Egypt, Ethiopia, Peru, Philippines, Rwanda, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Tanzania, Tunisia, Uganda, Vietnam, and also, Zambia or Zimbabwe, work experience within the fields in line with the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development for apply to Swedish institute Scholarship.

The Applicants belong to Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Russian Federation, or Ukraine that will priority provide strong work experience within the field related to environmental and social sustainability, innovation, responsibility in management/sustainable economic growth, especially experience from civil society/public sector.

How to calculate Applicants employment hours

The two methods are mentioned in which calculate your employment hours.

Scenario-1: Now employees for full-time that are working 40 hours per week for 50 weeks as yearly for 1 calendar will prior to 10-February-2022. Also, include the previous work part-time as freelancer 12 hours weekly for 28 weeks per year from a 3-year calendar.

The calculation criteria is as follow (40 hours x 50 weeks x 1 year = 2,000) + (12 hours x 28 weeks x 3 years = 1,008) = 3,008 hours.

Candidates within these methods meet the eligibility for their work experience that require within the Swedish Institute Scholarship/SI Scholarship.

Scenario 2: As a company as self-employed in which working hours 10 weekly for 35 weeks yearly for the 3-year calendar. The organization will close the down on 31-12-2021 and also, the applicants do not have other employment.

The calculation scenario is as (10 hours x 35 weeks x 3 years) = 1,050 hours.

Important information about work experience

The applicants do not need to meet their work experience requirement in one period of employment and nor do need to have working in their current role for 3,000 hours in order to be eligible to apply for SI Scholarship. Hence, the accumulated 3,000 hours should no from more than three companies.

If the applicant held more than one position at the same time in any company include all hours for the respective positions that can use to meet the requirement for their work experience under Swedish institute Scholarship. The applicants are advised to discuss their applications with their employer. Also, their responsibility is to ensure that you will grant a leave of absence from their work/will release in time in the case of selection for the SI Scholarship.

The applicants can only include the working hours that obtain prior to 10-February-2022 in the calculation.

Leadership experience

The applicants should able to demonstrate their previous leadership experience. Also, the experience demonstrate through their work/involvement in civil society organization network. The applicants leadership include the experience to lead other organization, mandate to influence the development of strategy for their work for Swedish institute Scholarship. The applicants leadership experience has no reqirment that rearding to a minimum munber of hours under SI Scholarship. Therefore, the priority that will give you with demonstrate strong and their relevant leadership experience form employment. Also, check ANSO Scholarship in China

Eligibility Criteria

All intersted applicants must fulfil complete all these requirement if they want to apply for SI Scholarship.

  • International students please check the country list if your country in list then, you are eligible for the scholarship.
  • Students should have the bacheler degree/transcript for apply to Master program.
  • The applicants should at least 3000 hour working experience in any organization under Swedish institute Scholarship.
  • The applicants the willing to study and also, explore the culture exchange.
  • Canidates should have good physical and also, mental health.
  • Language requirment depand on the university requirment.

How to Apply

If you want to apply for the Swedish Institute Scholarship then, must meet the eligibility criteria. Folllow these step to submit your application under the SI scholarship.

Step-1: First, the applicants need to take admission in one the offer master program and universitites. Applicants can also, apply for the admission to university by click on the mention link

Click on it to Apply at University

Step-2:When you submit your application successful for admission in Sweden University. Then, the applicants will have to apply for the Swedish institute Scholarship 2022.

If you want to face any problem while submiting your application under SI Scholarship then, must watch the video. If you want to discuss about the Sweden Institute Scholarship or other scholarship then, must join our FB-Group for more disscussion.