Dalian Medical University Chinese Government Scholarship 2022

Dalian Medical University CSC Scholarship

Dalian Medical University CSC Scholarship 2022 is open now for all international students to pursue their higher education in China. If anyone is interested in DMU Scholarship then, prepare the documents according to the requirement of the Dalian university. All the details of how to apply for the Dalian Medical Univerity Chinese Government Scholarship 2022 are below. Applicants also, check the all details of the scholarship and requirements of the university in this post. So, it is a great opportunity for all nationalities holder students to get free education with a monthly allowance in China. There are many international students who are already studying here.


  • Organization: The Dalian Medical University CSC Scholarship provider name is Chinese Government Scholarship 2022.
  • Institute Name: The institute name is Dalian Medical University in China.
  • Program level: Master and Ph.D. program.
  • Award: DMU CSC Scholarship is a fully free scholarship with a monthly stipend. The monthly stipend for the Master’s program is 3000 RMB and the Ph.D. program 3500 RMB under the Chinese Government Scholarship 2022.
  • Apply-Mode: Just online apply(When you select then send the hard copy of documents to university)
  • Deadline: The deadline of the Dalian Medical University Chinese Government Scholarship 2022 si 01-Feb-2022 to 15-April-2022.

Eligibility for DMU Scholarship

  • All international students are eligible except Chinese students.
  • Students who want to apply for a Master’s then require the minimum education is 16-years and also, under the age of 35-year at the applicable time.
  • Students who want to apply for the Ph.D. program then require a Master’s degree and also, under the age of 40-years at the applicable time.
  • Applicants can submit their application with English Proficiency Letter there is no need for EILTS.

Documents for Dalian Medical University CSC Scholarship

  1. All applicants should register at the CSC online application form and also, select Category B the Agency of the number of the Dalian Medical Univerity 10161.
  2. After complete, the CSC Form then must fill the university application form.
  3. English Proficiency Certificate (IELTS is not Mandatory) to apply for DMU Scholarship 2022.
  4. There is a need to submit two Reffernce letters that are provided to you by your previous institute or professors.
  5. The last degree/transcript should notarize.
  6. There is a need for a Physical Examination Form.
  7. Research plan or study plan in Chinese or English language with 1500 words for Ph.D. students.
  8. Also, require the Passport Copy.
  9. CV in which your complete educational and experiences details are mentioned.
  10. The acceptance letter is optional.
  11. English proficiency letter there is IELTS is not mandatory.

How to Apply for DMU Scholarship

If you want to submit your application under the Dalian Medical University CSC Scholarship 2022 in China. We are mentioning all links include the university apply link, DMU CSC Scholarship applies link. If you want to see the official announcement of the Scholarship then, you need to click on the official link of the University. When you want to submit your application on the CSC portal then, you clink on the CSC link under. After that, the CSC portal opens and you can also, submit your application easily to the CSC portal, and also, Select B category plus agency number. After that, you should submit your application on the Dalian Medical University portal the link is also, here. You can simply click on the link and also, fill the university application form and submit others documents on the Portal.

If you face in problem while submitting your application under the Dalian Medical University Scholarship 2022. Then, must visit our YouTube-Channel and also, watch videos on how to apply for the Dalian Medical University CSC Scholarship. If you want to discuss any scholarship from all over the world. Then, you need to Join FB-Group for more discussion about DMU Scholarship in China and also, all other countries.

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